everyone deserves home

Research Publications

Should Clinical Guidelines Continue to Require Fibrosis Assessments Prior to Initiating Hepatitis C Treatment in British Columbia?

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Palliative Outreach Team (PORT) Interim Report

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CAMICO Service Provision in Pandemic Housing and Outreach

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Cool Aid Community Health Centre Report on Risk Mitigation Guidance Prescriptions

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Published peer reviewed journal articles

Milne, R., Price, M., Wallace, B., Drost, A., Haigh-Gidora, I., Nezil, F. A., & Fraser, C. (2015). From principles to practice: Description of a novel equity-based HCV primary care treatment model for PWID. International Journal of Drug Policy26(10), 1020-1027.

Selfridge, M., Card, K. G., Lundgren, K., Barnett, T., Guarasci, K., Drost, A., … & Lachowsky, N. J. (2020). Exploring nurse‐led HIV Pre‐Exposure Prophylaxis in a community health care clinic. Public Health Nursing37(6), 871-879.

Selfridge, M., Cunningham, E. B., Milne, R., Drost, A., Barnett, T., Lundgren, K., Guarasci, K., Grebely, J & Fraser, C. (2019). Direct-acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C, reinfection and mortality among people attending an inner-city community health centre in Victoria, Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy72, 106-113. 

Selfridge, M., Barnett, T., Lundgren, K., Guarasci, K., Milne, R., Drost, A., & Fraser, C. (2022). Treating people where they are: Nurse‐led micro‐elimination of hepatitis C in supported housing sites for networks of people who inject drugs in Victoria, Canada. Public Health Nursing. https://doi.org/10.1111/phn.13092

Selfridge, M., Card, K., Kandler, T., Flanagan, E., Lerhe, E., Heaslip, A., Nguyen, A., Moher, M., Pauly, B., Urbanoski, K., & Fraser, C. (2022). Factors associated with 60-day adherence to “safer supply” opioids prescribed under British Columbia’s interim clinical guidance for health care providers to support people who use drugs during COVID-19 and the ongoing overdose emergency. International Journal of Drug Policy, 105, 103709. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2022.103709

Selfridge, M., Cunningham, E. B., Barnett, T., Drost, A., Gray-Schleihauf, C., Guarasci, K., Lundgren, K., Milne, R., Grebely, J., & Fraser, C. (2021). Reinfection following successful direct-acting antiviral therapy for HCV infection among people attending an inner-city community health centre in Victoria, Canada. International Journal of Drug Policy, 96, 103418. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.drugpo.2021.103418